How about the actual session???
If the point is to share reams of handouts, links, and resources, then how about sharing your Evernote or Livebinder with me? Heck go old-school and e-mail me the powerpoint and/or resources so I can peruse them at my leisure. Don't rush through the content allowing a two-second (yes, literally, one host said, "talk for two or three seconds") to two-minute opportunity for discussion before plowing through the rest of it.
After the session, my colleagues and I felt equally frustrated. We decided to be constructive and brainstormed guidelines for an effective webinar:
- If you are going to allott time for discussion, make it more than 2 minutes;
- Slides should not exceed 20 (and should definitely not hit 60!!);
- Multi-modal interaction including chat pods, audio responses, surveys, and text responses will keep participants engaged;
- If you are going to ask participants to share ideas, spend some time exploring these or going deeper rather than moving directly to the next slide;
- Include an alternate (earlier) time for people who are new to Adobe connect who may encounter technical difficulties so the rest of us aren't waiting around listening to static;
- pre-determine who your particpants will be and revise accordingly. i.e. if the participants are primarily participating on their own, allowing 10 minutes for a group discussion might not be the best idea;
- Don't just transfer a face-to-face presentation to a virtual presentation--it's a different medium and so it requires differentiation.
Thankfully though, no one will notice if I am making a grocery list, strategizing the next move in my Scrabble game, or tweeting while the slides keep on moving in front of me.